Saturday, February 12, 2011


we are bak!

Coin giveaway!

At 10,000 views our goal is to give out at least 15 coin codes. IF you have any you want to donate comment the code. We PROMISE it will only be used for giveaway and nothing else. Also you can help by telling friends! The faster we get views the faster we get to the giveaway!


Um... well that failed. lol but enjoy the pics!


A new message! It says to go to EPF!

Also IN the EPF is the new system defender! good luck!

Friday, February 11, 2011


The first one is a blue puffle and is in the LODGE ATTIC!
This one is the red puffle at the HIDDEN LAKE!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

epf message AND what do you think?

Wow! This new EPF message thing is cool. You get them every few days! Take a look! So what do you think about the messages?