Friday, December 31, 2010

Server go byebye

All the NEW servers left! where they just for water jitsu? OR any event? OR they are fixing glitches? what do you guys think?

Field Op

Sorry i was late! So here it is!

Go to the forest.
Then go in the cave hidden under a rock.
Go to the aqua grabber and complete the field op!


Go to the top of the mountain and next to the bunny hill is THE PIN!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

??? room

i just noticed the ??? room is gone! WHERE IS IT? will it be back?


Now we have GREAT news. We need mods. and you might be one. we have already chosen mellisa and juju as a permanent mod for chat and you could be one too. first apply by filling out this form (comment it):

Will you be active
Will you use you powers for good (if you dont your banned forever)
Will you NOT be afraid to ban? (dont ban forever, thats only my job ONLY, and dont be picky)
Will you still be respectful to everybody no matter what there rank is in chat?

This is a big chance! We need YOU to keep this a safe and fun chat so PLEASE APPLY!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


What should my igloo be? your ideas. i need some and this might help you too! Ill worry about the items. pretend i have every item and tell me what it should be! here it is now...


Go to ruby and the ruby and do this order...

file cabnet
trash bin
picture on the wall on the right! its brand new so go get it!

Party ends kinda!

Its over. ALMOST? i was on and the town changed but the beach and cove and a few other rooms still had a party! lol weird glitch!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Ok so penny and mellisa tied... again.... so i just had a drawing and now mellisa won! i will now give here the choice of a member or coin code! (what ever she chooses i will pc to her)

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well i dont know what to post about but i know theres somthing out there. so whatis that something? PLEASE comment so i dont explode! lol :-0

Saturday, December 25, 2010


The two winners go to the contest page and compete! the cove is up and ready!

Merry Chrsitmas! (and other news)

MERRY CHRISTMAS! So what did you get? what did you give? comment and tell us.
Now we have GREAT news. We need mods. and you might be one. we have already chosen mellisa as a permenent mod for chat and you could be one too. first apply byt filling out this form (comment it):

Will you be active
Will you use you powers for good (if you dont your banned forever)
Will you not be afraid to ban? (dont ban forever, thats only my job ONLY, and dont be picky)
Will you still be respectful to everybody no matter what there rank is in chat?

This is a big chance! We need YOU to keep this a safe and fun chat so PLEASE APPLY!

In other news:
We have a tie breaker and we are doing the cove! it will start either late today or tomarrow. this is for the following people ONLY: penny550 and mellisa! great job on winning round one! (also i am going to post everybodys comments ((some answers were put over  a private chat because of slow internet)))

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Snip it

I know its been hard with no pictures but hypersnap is annoying. now i have a better one. we will be using it soon. thanks for hanging in there with us!

New field op

Its in the nightclub behind the speaker nearest to the door!


Its Friday and time for...
What do you think?!

So do you like the stadium or ice rink better?

NEW contest.

Its christmas and i figure its the time to give... COIN CODES! So im going too. The image you see is different than the normal town.You tell me the differences between the town before i edited it and after i edited and changed it.  Comment saying as many as you can. Next time it will be harder (only if my editing gets better and its probably not)To be fair unless commenting about something else other then your comment answers no comments will be published. Some are easy BUT some are detailed and because of that we want its full size. you will find a link to a temporery blog i made and it has the image and thats what you comment on! (any questions ask on limadude chat ready? set? GO!


We have a winner. pinkpipsqueck will receive a coin code through a private message in chat! I know most blogs do email but this is most simple for me because i run this alone right now. So if you see her on chat say congrats and be a good sport!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Coin Pile



Welcome pinkpipsqueck she is a new mod so be looking out for her around club penguin! Remember to enter the contest below! just follow the instructions!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am giving out a coin code and anybody who comments will  be entered in a drawing for it. This will last for 2 days SO COMMENT! (in order to receive the prize you have to go on the chat in the army and i will send you a private message with the code on it and this applies for ALL contests).

UPDATE:Its been two days so it's over! We will release the results ASAP. Here is how it will work. I will print out all the names and cut them into slits. I will put them in a bucket , close my eyes and choose one. THEY WONT BE REALEASED UNTIL THE DEC. 23! thanks for competing!


I finished making a banner! do you guys like it? If you want to put it on your site i made a page with the code and a picture of it! so comment and tell us if you like it!
Create your own banner at!


Mail somebody a postcard and give them a FREE ITEM. If you see me on cp say "postcard please" and ill send you one. ill most likely be on sleet at the dock. by the way the tracker works!
BUT only when it talks about portageese server. i met him on portageese lolhere it is one more time!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ice rink!

The ice rink is back! I love it WAY more then the other stadium! Its club penguin! snow! cold not grass in a stadium! im glad its back!

Coin Pile


Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well there are two ways we can track him. use this tracker...  (it doesnt work that well) OR u could read the comments! Just comment if you see him! thanks!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Coin Pile

At the lighthouse the coin pile is bigger! if i knew it would do that i would make a before and after! lol

Friday, December 17, 2010

What do you think?

Its Friday so its time for...   WHAT DO YOU THINK?
When you donate coins to Coins For Change do you think it really helps? Think. Where do they get the $ ti donate REAL money? So what do you think?

Glitch Alert!

If you donate 5000 coins. (if you dont have them still click it) and youll see that you get a stamp! pretty cool! found it yesterday. I wonder if it donates too?


Sorry for they delay! I was having so much fun on cp. Its here! the party! Free item at the ski village, a hat at rockhoppers shop and in santas sleigh but you have to win to get that!(and be a member) :-(

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Field Op

It is at the ski village in the tour guide booth. (if you cant find it go farther back behind the tour booth)

Also sorry about not having pictures but we are trying as hard as we can so please dont leave the fun because of this.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So we saw the polls and now know need a background . so what should we do? What do you think? Christmas trees? WHAT DO YOU THINK? Comment and remember every idea we can get we need! so comment away! 

Saturday, December 11, 2010


HEy this code gets you coins. type in DECNLR10 in the code section to get them!

(thanks penny550)
All parent emails got an email saying it was a gift! Do you think they made it a gift so it didnt look like a glitch or was it meant for a gift in the first place? Tell us what you think!

What do you think page

Ok instead of putting what do you think here ill make a different page for it. coming soon.

What to you think

Rainbow puffle! truth or tail? you decide! here is a pic i found of one!
Comment and tell WHAT YOU THINK!

come on!

people! only pengton 19 is commenting! cmon! dont be scared to share your thoughts!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Old cp (new weekly what do you think section)

Hey! This is random but i wal looking through google images and saw this. boy did it bring back memories! Remember when first horizon owned it? Good times. Take a look at this pic.(i made it big on purpose). :-)
So what do like better. Disney or First horizon. for be they both have cons and pros
Comment and tell us!


Start saving up for coins for change! Help change the world!

Igloo update

Now you can go to somebodys igloo just by clicking on them and clicking the icon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hi! I know we dont have any viewers but if you happen to read this please commment:

Well we are trying to give out prizes but to ive out prizes we neeed a way to give them. (prizes most likely a code or membership). But it isnt safe too use email and people could use it if i make a comment. any ideas PLEASE COMMENT!

Field Op

Ok so its at the plaza in the ticket booth! (Pic coming soon)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Commenting was found safe and is now open! (No spamming, they are moderated so don't even try)


Rockhopper is coming to club penguin! Its for Christmas!(That also means coins for change so start saving up!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Watermellon army

We have just made the watermellon army. we are working on it but go to the army tab to check it out!

Field Op

go to the cove in the corner!


The pin is at the snow forts! Here is a video i made for it! (i might not make these a lot because uploading takes lots of time) Also videos are glitchy on this blog so if it doesnt show up im really sorry!


Hi! im limadude! i go on sleet and im almost always hanging out at the dock having fun! (if sleet is full i will go on frozen)