Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am giving out a coin code and anybody who comments will  be entered in a drawing for it. This will last for 2 days SO COMMENT! (in order to receive the prize you have to go on the chat in the army and i will send you a private message with the code on it and this applies for ALL contests).

UPDATE:Its been two days so it's over! We will release the results ASAP. Here is how it will work. I will print out all the names and cut them into slits. I will put them in a bucket , close my eyes and choose one. THEY WONT BE REALEASED UNTIL THE DEC. 23! thanks for competing!


Penny550 said...


Penny550 said...

Can i enter 2 times?

Edster12499 said...

Can I join to be in the contest?

Scarytrain said...

I want to join the contest!

Penny550 said...

Limadude how many codes?

Penny550 said...

What series?

Limadude said...

Penny550 said...

Can i enter 2 times?
no sorry its a random drawing

Limadude said...

Penny550 said...

Limadude how many codes?
for now one but ill have more contests

Limadude said...

Penny550 said...

What series?
idk going to buy tomarrow what do you prefer?

Limadude said...

Here is the list so far...


Pinkpipsquek said...

Can I join to be in the contest?

No! Oh, I'm just kiddin! Anyone can join! You should join the army! It's a blast! XD

Penny550 said...

When IS it?

Penny550 said...

I hope i WIN!!!

Pengton19 said...

This sounds really exciting! I'm entering defenitley! Thanks Pengton19

Penny550 said...

I really hope i get on THE reader of THE month page.

Pengton19 said...

Sounds cool! I'm really excited!

Thanks so much! Pengton19
Thanks limadude

Pengton19 said...

Didn't get put in the contest!?