Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Chrsitmas! (and other news)

MERRY CHRISTMAS! So what did you get? what did you give? comment and tell us.
Now we have GREAT news. We need mods. and you might be one. we have already chosen mellisa as a permenent mod for chat and you could be one too. first apply byt filling out this form (comment it):

Will you be active
Will you use you powers for good (if you dont your banned forever)
Will you not be afraid to ban? (dont ban forever, thats only my job ONLY, and dont be picky)
Will you still be respectful to everybody no matter what there rank is in chat?

This is a big chance! We need YOU to keep this a safe and fun chat so PLEASE APPLY!

In other news:
We have a tie breaker and we are doing the cove! it will start either late today or tomarrow. this is for the following people ONLY: penny550 and mellisa! great job on winning round one! (also i am going to post everybodys comments ((some answers were put over  a private chat because of slow internet)))


penny550 said...


Anonymous said...

1.) i'll be as active as i can...

2.) yes


4.) yes
23 juju girl... um okay

Anonymous said...

as active as i can




okay... 23 juju girl?

Kandiland1 said...





Pinkpipsquek said...

I got a camera, skin it, keyboard piano, massage pollow, and a bunch of other stuff! :)

I gave a pack of club penguin card jutsu cards, a Driod X, i home, and a bunch of other smaller items.