Thursday, December 23, 2010

NEW contest.

Its christmas and i figure its the time to give... COIN CODES! So im going too. The image you see is different than the normal town.You tell me the differences between the town before i edited it and after i edited and changed it.  Comment saying as many as you can. Next time it will be harder (only if my editing gets better and its probably not)To be fair unless commenting about something else other then your comment answers no comments will be published. Some are easy BUT some are detailed and because of that we want its full size. you will find a link to a temporery blog i made and it has the image and thats what you comment on! (any questions ask on limadude chat ready? set? GO!


Pengton19 said...

Good question. We might not have internet but I know I will be on this website! I will see Limadude on Christmas so we can orginize this website! I will be on here because I always am! Good job to pinipipsqueak for winning the contest! Good job to everybody in the contest!

Penny550 said...

I will try to win!

Penny550 said...

Please post MY comments

Pengton19 said...

Take a picture of Pengton19 and limadudue. Plz post. Thanks

Penny550 said...

Take a picture of Penny550 AND Limadude PLEASE You Can do it for READER OF THE MONTH!!!

Penny550 said...

Because Im reader of THE month PLEASE Take a picture of Penny550 AND Limadude!

Penny550 said...

Because I'm penguin of the month can you take a picture of Penny and Limadude?

jake said...

Where is the join page?


Pengton19 said...

This is bob Where is join page

Pengton19 said...

This is bob Where is join page

Limadude said...

Where is the join page?

For the army go to and to join chat just click your green thing on the right list and then changeur name

Anonymous said...

penny550 remember when i gave you will?
the pass was william
im your buddy bba12 u know but im banned now ill be on friday

Anonymous said...

penny550 remember when i gave you will?
the pass was william
im your buddy bba12 u know but im banned now ill be on friday