Friday, December 10, 2010

Old cp (new weekly what do you think section)

Hey! This is random but i wal looking through google images and saw this. boy did it bring back memories! Remember when first horizon owned it? Good times. Take a look at this pic.(i made it big on purpose). :-)
So what do like better. Disney or First horizon. for be they both have cons and pros
Comment and tell us!


Limadude said...

Hey! ill post what i think after you do!

Pengton19 said...

Old cp was fun. They gave rare pins.
I wish it would come back!
Thnx. Pengton19

Limadude said...

Old cp was fun. They gave rare pins.
I wish it would come back!
Thnx. Pengton19
sadly it isnt possible. disney thinks they are better. they kinda are kinda arnt. so lets see what other people think!

Pengton19 said...

I think Ur right, but I enjoyed it anyway and some ppl didn't even get to be in old cp, so we are very lucky

Rolo534 said...

Old cp was much more fun. In new cp you can't do anything without being a member. Personally I think Disney is just in it for the money. I miss when you could actually do stuff without being a member and could still have lots of cool pins and items.

Limadude said...

Old cp was much more fun. In new cp you can't do anything without being a member. Personally I think Disney is just in it for the money. I miss when you could actually do stuff without being a member and could still have lots of cool pins and items.
dido. lol. well i think i know what we are saying! OLD CP ROX!Well i am going to start working on the new what you think post!

Pengton19 said...

Yeah, old cp was really fun!