Saturday, December 10, 2011

It Was All A Cp Hoax

Hey Guys It's Your New Author Marco! Im here to talk to you about a Unbelievable Hoax,The Cp Hacking.

Well it all started on Youtube when somebody spotted a video on LULZcp it was believable and Threatening, Many people were worried.They did not want their beloved "Club Penguin" hacked.

As it got closer to 11/29/11 People started to get very angry,Some Called "Club Penguin" And others posted nasty comments on the video.

"Club Penguin" Reacted But not in a alerted way.They simply told the callers it was a bug because when you logged on to a server like "Walrus" your coins were gone and your body items,Many people thought that,that was very coincidental and it was.

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